The Three S Ranch formally originated around 1980. The partnership between the Smith-Wakasugi families originally began as a family with a farm implements business merging with a family with an existing farming operation. The original partnership between Jerry Smith and Rodger Wakasugi followed the merger.
Three S Ranch became a family operation with kids and grandkids involved over time, evolving into the operation it is today. The farm partnership modestly has become one of the largest farms in the San Luis Valley teaming with vast knowledge, equipment, infrastructure, and quality farming ground for potatoes, hay, and barley.
As the partners worked to expand the farming operation over the course of time, they immediately began to strategically plan to acquire more farming land. As land became available near their Blanca, Colorado headquarters, they purchased any ground that would be suitable for growing potatoes.
Over time the farm became self-sufficient and expanded into ownership of a potato packing shed and also became a large producer of quality dairy hay, a large supplier of Coors’ barley grain, and also boasted a large cattle operation for a period in the farms history. In recent years the farm has expanded into part ownership of a certified potato seed operation formally known as San Acacio Seed, LLC.
The Threes S Ranch farming operation is currently being run through the partnership of Cole Wakasugi, Monty Smith, and Jared Smith.